Studio Series
The Studio Series are small collections or editions of experimental work sold directly from my studio at affordable prices.

Studio Series 5: Lucie Rie x Nike Vases
Studio Series 5 is a series of new thrown vessels made in 2022. Inspired by Lucie Rie’s iconic modernist pots and glazes, these vessels also include the iconic swoosh.
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Studio Series 4: Potato Heads
Studio Series 4 is a series of new Potato Head sculptures and paper collages made in 2021. The Potato Head form is something I’ve been working with since 2013, and these sculptures and collages are a continuation of that work.
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Studio Series 3: Natural Light Tall Boys
Studio Series 3 is an edition of 8 handbuilt stoneware tall boys. Inspired by a commemorative Natural Light aluminum tall boy featuring an eagle and the American Flag, this set was made by hand. Each piece is unique and slightly different.
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The 13 vessels that are part of Studio Series 2
Studio Series 2: Mouth, Neck, Shoulder, Body, Foot

The Mouth, Neck, Shoulder, Body, Foot zine.
Studio Series 2: Mouth, Neck, Shoulder, Body, Foot was inspired by the relationship between ceramic vessels and bodies, and the terms used to describe them. Building on my 20 history of working with the pottery wheel and vessels, the series began as sumi ink drawings that were then finished with colored pencil. These drawings were then used as inspiration to make wheelthrown and altered vessels. Each of the 13 vessels is unique and is made with red stoneware and white slip.
The series also includes a 40-page zine that includes photocopies of the drawings. The pink-cover zine will be made in a numbered edition of 100 and includes colored pencil highlights on the cover. If you purchase one of the vessels, you will receive one free copy of the zine per vessel purchased.
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